Day 75

By Lisa Ansay — Jun 13, 2012 6:38pm As you have been reading, PT, OT, and ST have all been going well, and as expected, the PT has been going exceedingly well.  He walks daily for hundreds of feet, pedals bikes, works the cross-body legs and arms machine (that’s much like an…

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Update 06/03/12

By Ron Stark — Jun 3, 2012 6:05pm Hello, this is Taylor’s Uncle, Taylor greeted Lisa this morning, with slightly improved vision and his best pronounced verbal communication.   Apparently he had been practicing again while we all slept. It was fun to see him pointing out a scuff mark on…

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Dueling Banjos

By Lisa Ansay — Jun 2, 2012 10:09pm Good afternoon everyone, This is Taylor’s Uncle Jim again with an update.   First of all, how cool to be here.  Wish I could share the feeling. Taylor had an eventful day. His plastic surgeon visited.  This was his third visit since Taylor…

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