Day 75


As you have been reading, PT, OT, and ST have all been going well, and as expected, the PT has been going exceedingly well.  He walks daily for hundreds of feet, pedals bikes, works the cross-body legs and arms machine (that’s much like an “elliptical” machine only in a seated position) and others.

Yesterday after PT concluded, Ron was helping him wheel through his doorway, and Taylor blocked the entrance by dragging his feet and putting his arms out.  He was not ready to quit, and asked to wheel around a bit more.  He wheeled himself around the rehab unit hallways, and to rest his arms he propelled with his feet.

Yep, he is sore today.  Big time.

Skills needed for someone with vision impairment are being included in his rehab activities.  Taylor performs all the rehab work sightless, and it has been that way except for rare occasions since he was admitted three or so weeks ago.  There are times when suddenly he can see, and it may last for the evening, or just a few moments, but never for long.

Prior to his vision loss about four weeks ago, he had routinely demonstrated he was seeing well.

Some of the eye issues due to the trauma may resolve spontaneously, so we are encouraged to just wait and see.  The cranial nerve damage seen on earlier MRIs is indeed healing, and as the swelling subsides from his recent plastic surgery we will be watching for further improvement.  There is a good possibility he may need another surgery on his left eye orbit; they were unable to re-break that bone at this time to correct its placement, for fear of compromising other fragile but healing areas nearby.  It may simply be the stress on his eye from the misalignment of that bone causing his vision to behave as if it has a loose wire.

The historically quiet right eye is starting to wake up!  Eye movement is now present when asked to look right/left, etc. (so far only laterally).  With the increased muscle movement on that side of his face it is hopeful the muscles in the lids are next.  OT is incorporating eye and eyelid work into their repertoire.


Oh, the Chaplain came by yesterday too, and Ron and I were pulled out of physical therapy to meet her.  She apologized for not being here Monday as requested, for she got busy and could not get away.

Ron and I were puzzled.  We knew nothing of a request/referral, and were not sure what she was talking about, as she continued apologizing and explaining.

At that point Taylor was wheeled up to where we were sitting in the lobby. After further discussion, we asked Taylor if he knew anything about a request/referral, to which he nodded and said, “yes”.

“You requested the Chaplain come to see you?”


“You want the Chaplain to pray with you?”

“Yes” and a nod.

So she met him at his room right after his last session, and stayed for about a half-hour chatting, and praying.

She promised to stop by a few times a week.

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